E' appena stata rilasciata la nuova versione di Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, un software capace di individuare e rimuovere dei malware che la maggior parte dei più famosi antivirus e anti-malware non riescono neanche ad individuare.
E' disponibile in due versioni, free e a pagamento, la versione a pagamento in più ha la protezione in tempo reale e la scansione flash che analizza solo gli elementi in esecuzione automatica e la memoria.
Changelog versione 1.45:
- Added new scheduling engine for our customers featuring realtime updating, more finely-grained scheduled scanning/updating, and a streamlined interface.
- Added new flash scanning option which searches for malicious objects in memory and load point locations.
- Added compatibility with Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) for our corporate customers.
- Added a brand new advanced heuristics detection module named Shuriken that will be integrated into both scanner and protection module.
- Integrated website blocking options and other customizable policies into the main program interface.
- Heavily improved command line interface allowing customers to scan and remove automatically and silently.
- Heavily improved updating module which should solve various updating issues. Also added full proxy support including authentication and integration into the GUI.
- Fixed a large number of various issues and enhanced overall stability of the scanner and protection module.
Link per il download: Malwarebytes 1.45
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